How Technology Can Accelerate Sustainable Development Goals to Access Safe and Better Society?

Technologies are playing a crucial role in the present environment. As the world is turning digital nowadays, it is important for every business to remain updated with technologies. In particular, the world requires sustainability to make it a better place to live.
Thus, to make this possible and achievable, leveraging technologies are the best option. It was back in the year 2015, the rules and regulations for Sustainable development goals were framed. The entire 192 nations came forward to handle the 17 sustainable development goals by utilizing new strategies.
The goal achievements are still in progress and a large number of businesses are here to make this possible. So, what is the role of technologies here? How can they disrupt the sustainability of the globe? Explore this blog to know more about this.
Importance of Technology in achieving sustainability
Since only a decade is left over, all the sustainable goals should be turned into a reality as soon as possible. Transformative changes with disruptive technologies are the ones that are needed for now for every industrial sector. Though we have crossed four industrial revolutions, these goals are still a void that should be achieved.
Most of the SDG Solution providers are working on digital technologies implementation. One of the most popular technologies, Artificial Intelligence is already changing current lives. Businesses are making use of this technology to optimize their business processes which they are performing every day.
Secondly, sensors are integrated in order to track the real-time data in order to make result-oriented decisions. Lives can be made simple by making use of sensors which is nothing but the Internet of Things.
Next comes the autonomous vehicles or drones which are involved in various business operations such as product delivery processes, etc. Added to the list, immersive reality-guided surgeries, 3D printing of body parts, and affordable biohacking are here on their way.
Moreover, with easy data access to powerful computing and breakthroughs in AI techniques, computers can now work efficiently more than humans by learning, seeing, and understanding in order to make the digital age achievable.
New technologies are making a way through the globe in order to transform society. Added, technologies are here to handle the unexpected situation which may occur anytime across the world. An estimated 70% of the value created over the coming decades will be completely based on digitally-enabled platforms.
Read Also – Leveraging Technology to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
17 Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved
- No Poverty.
- Zero Hunger.
- Good health and well-being.
- Quality Education.
- Gender Equality.
- Clean water and sanitization.
- Affordable and Clean Energy.
- Decent work and economic growth.
- Industry, innovation, and infrastructure.
- Reduced inequality.
- Sustainable cities and communities.
- Responsible consumption and production.
- Climate Action.
- Life below water.
- Life on land.
- Peace and justice strong institutions.
- Partnerships to achieve the goal.
Technology enabling the achievement of sustainable development goals will be the effective drivers in the modern economy. They can safeguard and protect the environment with their futuristic technology results.
Out of 50 technologies that are determined to bring SDG, 10 of them have already been developed. For example, low-cost mobile phones, point-of-care diagnostic devices for primary healthcare, a low-cost solar mini-grid system are a few of them on the list.
Popular technologies which are here enhanced SDG feasibility
Here are few technologies which are responsible for enhancing the SDG strategies. Explore them:
Cloud computing
Cloud Computing is one of the disruptive technologies which handles the current needs of the business and enhances sustainability. As the technology offers easy access, storage, organizations are choosing this technology repeatedly to avail its benefits.
So, when speaking about sustainability, educational and economic growth is fully made possible. Students can pursue their education from anywhere and access their educational materials hassle-free. Similarly, small-scale businesses which are looking to upgrade their operations can also leverage cloud solutions for enhancing their productivity.
Artificial intelligence
In order to bring out a sustainable city and community, Artificial Intelligence and its sub-set Machine Learning plays a great role. This technology is here to make operations that are performed by humans in an effective manner.
This can in turn reduce human intervention and also the time and cost involved in processing the operations. Companies can also achieve the highest efficiency with minimal efforts and limited cost.
Automation is disrupting the markets and could replace a significant number of jobs over the next decades. Moreover, innovative technologies such as Blockchain technology are being used for speculative purposes as evidenced by the rise of cryptocurrencies, which have been subject to fraud, theft, and criminal misuse.
Read Also – Things to Consider Before hiring the SDG Solutions Providers
AR & VR, 5G
Augmented and Virtual Reality are the next technologies that allow businesses and their customers to view their operations in real-time. For instance, if your business is associated with cosmetics, customers out there can lively make use of the product at their location, check for compatibility, and order them if required. Next comes, 5G which is responsible for enhancing communication and sorting out the present problems associated with it.
Big Data Analytics
Big Data Analytics can help businesses to make futuristic and result-driven decisions hassle-free. When it comes to sustainability, enhancing economical growth is completely possible with this technology. Way2Smile has been aware of this and come up with a solution by leveraging Big Data Analytics.
For the Agricultural sector, we have utilized this technology to predict the weather conditions and help both Governments and farmers to decide on future decisions based on the collected data.
Internet of Things
Internet of Things is yet another technology that can make SDG possible. By integrating sensors into the business operations, one can gather the business data instantly. With the grabbed data, one can make the necessary decisions in real-time.
We have utilized this technology in the field of oceanography to protect and safeguard lives both on and off the land. If any unprecedented events are about to happen, one can get to know them prior to the data grabbed with the sensors.
Read Also – How The Sustainable Development Goals Will Be Addressed With An Agricultural Data Tool? – Case Study
Undoubtedly, it is the responsibility of every business to leverage technology to enjoy the fullest benefits in their businesses. And moreover, we are in an era where sustainability should be the primary responsibility of every citizen to make it achievable. We being one of the sustainable development goals companies work on making it achievable.