Why not having a business app can be Fatal for your Startup?

The Resonance of Startup Ecosystem
Your curiosity to know “Why not having a business app can be fatal for your startup,” is legit. In a country which is briskly pacing itself to become a nascent startup ecosystem, it is an imperative for the entrepreneurs to innovate and be vigilant with every sigh. The classical tech-biz digest from Way2Smile focuses on two celestials of the business universe:
A Startup & its Top Business App
The Math Involved
A Startup is nothing more than the business problem it solves. By a few founders or just one, a startup calls for some handsome investments in the form of a sweat, perseverance and uncounted hard work. Startups work hard on the differentiators entailed them. This is a basket of ideas that they superimpose on a product or service.
Once there was a time when the target customers would happily suffice with an engaging website, now the mobile centric world has brought down the crux to free business apps for the customers. Yes, there are some other conventional sources are definitely counted to grow the business, but it is a must for every startup to find the best business app suitably. However, with the advent of developing technologies, corporates are now evolving around new domains to capture every hook and corner of consumers’ attention to build a sustainable market for their products and services.
With increasing usage of mobile phones or rather smartphones by consumers (and customers, and there is a difference between the two), it has become a new age lane of competition to improve the customer experience right from the word go. While the product still gains the primary attention, neuroscience dwells over the customer experience largely; al taken care by the right business app for your startup.
It takes more than just straight efforts to gain a good ROI off your startup initially, something which should have a fresh perspective to deal and penetrate in consumers’ market, i.e., through mobile apps for your business.
“Out of all the challenges faced by startups, the mammoth one is to connect and engage with the people, pique their interest and gain their trust in a short span of time.”
Even though consumers may find websites for all conveniences but only to a limited extent, so the startups have to take an extra mile to build their brand among people; effectively possible with a smart freemium business apps. These apps help consumers to grab all the information about the product and service being offered and also play an excellent marketing tool for startups. Some may be free of charge; some may be the top apps however charged for the same depending upon the business offered by the startup.
Reasons why not having business apps can be fatal for a startup?
- Not accessible by customers at all times
Even if a startup does carry an excellent website on the front, but it may not be available to customers every time just for the reason that they are more reachable through their smartphones. It takes an extra but of time to scroll through websites or some other source for a finding of the product or service.
- Ineffective customer engagement
Customers always want to reach for their products or services at a single click, to say. Your website may be too good to offer what your customers need but there are specific lags just for the simple reason. They may not go on spending time on those large websites now and then when they are in need of something badly.
- Bring on the competition
As a startup, it critical to compete with the existing competitors. With increasing awareness among the consumers, they want to have their needs fulfilled in the most innovative ways entailed with a rich customer experience through mobile business apps. It is interesting to note that not all startups happen to work through business apps for customers, so if yours is a go-getter, then your startup business should give you a leap forward than others in the competition.
- Low Brand and Recognition
Your business app for customers can give your startup a value proposition regarding both brand and recognition. Let us put it differently:
- Brand- An app can create brand awareness about your business, your products and services and all other information that customers want to know. Or the other way round, not having the app can instil low confidence on the part of the customers. They may not be having the kind of brand awareness which you think your business will inculcate in their minds through your business’ website.
- Recognition- You may not get correct statistics about the visits on your business profile and offerings through the The gold of the digital age, ‘data’ is best procured through a business app.
- Go direct for loyalty
Consider yourself to be in the place of a customer and imagine going back home from work, and you come across some banners and hoardings at one go, or let’s say five to six brands. So what’s next? You may notice just two or three of them to the maximum or even none at all. Here the point proves itself.
You being an entrepreneur of a startup and adopt any such kind of channel to grasp the flickering eye of your customers; I guess you will have the same reaction just like you gave in the above example.
Any mode of marketing can be fruitful for your startup but to have the edge over others, something more needs to be done to be in constant touch with your customers.